Monday, July 7, 2008

Presenting, Melly as Dora

The other day we watched Dora the Explorer. We don't watch too often (mostly because we try to not watch TV past Playhouse Disney in the morning), but it was on and Melly really enjoyed it. She's always loved the Dora books, and has a stuffed Dora that she usually doesn't play with. Today she decided to dig out Dora after watching the show, and she found a little stuffed bear that she was calling Boots (Dora's sidekick who is actually a monkey). I'm watching her from the kitchen as she's playing all by herself. It was so cute I had to grab a pen and paper and write it down. The video camera was in the living room and I was afraid that if I grabbed that, she would stop and I would miss it. Here, for your reading pleasure, is Melody playing both roles as Dora and Boots:
B: "Yay! You did it Dora!
D: "Thank you Boots"
B: "Wow, knocked over my car" (she had them in her Fisher Price School Bus)
B: "Help!"
D: "I help you Boots"
D: "Boots, your friend!" (she found another stuffed bear in a different color)
B: "Hi friend, I love you"
D: "Hi Boots friend"
(everyone's back in the car)
D: "Let's go home"
B: "OK"
(The car now "fell" off the chair. OK, actually it was pushed!)
B: "Dora, you hurt?"
B: "I love you Dora"
D: "Thank you Boots. Save me"
My little actress in training!

1 comment:

Supersonic Mama said...

(said in singsong voice)- her brain's not supposed to be able to *do* that yet!!