Thursday, July 3, 2008

No Alligators!!

There are a few things Melody loves. Playhouse Disney in the morning, and alligators are two of them. When Disney announced they had a new short they were making to go on in between shows, I thought the 'Can You Teach My Alligator Manners' would be right up Melly's alley. WRONG! For some reason, the second the little 3 minute short starts, she starts screaming and crying with tears for me to change the channel. For the life of me I cannot figure out what's so scary about it. She screams with delight when any other alligator is on TV or in a book.
Check this out and see if it's that scary to you!

1 comment:

Supersonic Mama said...

I don't like him either. He's clearly up to no good. He's a poser. Maybe Mel doesn't like him (as an alligator) because he's standing up instead of on all fours. as they *should* be!