Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our group photo shoot

Some may say we're crazy, but I think it worked out pretty well. We took the whole group to get professional portraits! The photographer looked at us like we were nuts to do it, but once she got into it, she started to enjoy. Here is the whole group from the left: Anthony Joseph, Penelope, Ashley, Melody, Julia and Rylan. Rylan wasn't digging hanging out with all the chaos, so he wasn't too happy in the beginning, but we still got him in the group shot!!! Later on a few tears emerged from others in the group as it was a lot to take in all at once. We each got single shots and a few groups as well. Here are the ones that I picked:
Melody & Ashley (and a giant duckie that Melly wouldn't let go of)
Close up of my girl!

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