Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's a lie!

Well I went to the Dr. for a regular check up yesterday afternoon. I swear the scale is a lie! I haven't stepped on a scale probably since the last time I went to the Dr. last year. I don't like getting on the scale. I prefer to judge my weight by how I feel, how I look in the mirror, and how my clothes fit. After my extremely surprising discovery a few weeks back that I now fit into a size 6 jeans, I was quite brave when I stepped on this scale. Then, the shocking discovery that I weigh quite a bit more than I did last year. How can that be?

I know people that live by what the numbers on the scale say. I try with all my might to break them of that habit, because it can be just as addictive as a drug. One pound here, one pound there, and they always know exactly how much they weigh on any given day. If you asked me before yesterday how much I weighed, I could have guessed, but I really wouldn't have known. As it turns out, I would have been way off. I would have taken my weight from last year and taken away a few pounds.
I thought perhaps it was that whole "muscle weighs more than fat" thing, so I looked it up. Come to find out one really has nothing to do with the other. Muscle takes up less room than fat, so you would look thinner if you suddenly gained a mass quantity of muscle (which I clearly have not done). Muscle is more efficient at burning calories, so the more muscle you have, the better you are at burning off that strawberry frosted doughnut. This could perhaps be the category that I fall into. All those evenings of playing tennis, the walks around the block, and the occasional work out video may be making me a little more efficient. It doesn't, however, explain the huge difference in this years weight versus last years weight.
So I am stumped. I will continue my boycott of the scale because I do feel great and I am fitting into smaller size clothing. Just the other day I had a wonderful compliment of how 'skinny' I look. Do you know how long it's been since I've heard that? Not since I gave birth and people were telling me that I looked good after gaining 60 pounds worth of baby (who was only 7 pounds!) Whatever the scale says, I will hold my head up high and continue to shop in the Gap where they have magic clothing and magic mirrors that make me nice and 'skinny'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say the scale is broken! You look great and I meant to tell you that on Tuesday. I don't think you can get any smaller!