Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stand-off at the OK Corral

Well, actually it was my kitchen. Melody woke up this morning and asked for a Papa Juice (which means a Capri Sun drink pouch, my Dad always has them at his house, so they are now known as 'Papa Juice'). She drank one, and we had the outlook of a good day. I started making breakfast at 9:30 (Melly's a late eater) and she asked for another Papa Juice. I told her that breakfast is almost ready and we drink milk with breakfast. Oh my, the breakdown that followed! "PAPPPAAAAA JUUIIIIIIIIIICCEEEEE!!!!" could be heard around the neighborhood. I quickly realized that this wasn't going to be about the Papa Juice, but clearly about her not getting her way from having such a meltdown. So, for the next 45 minutes, (oh yeah, I timed it!) I heard the "gorilla cry", which appropriately named sounds like a large gorilla running around the house. "uuhhhhhh, uhhhhh, UUUUHHHHHHHH", followed by the loud wail for the "PAPPPAAAAA JUUIIIIIIIIIICCEEEEE".
Luckily, my sister called in the middle of the insanity, and kept my sanity, as we both chuckled about how ridiculous it is to cry so much over a juice pouch. And, I did actually try yet again to reason with the 2 year old that is screaming over juice. Obviously my reasoning didn't go over so well. But eventually, a whole 3/4 of an hour later, the crying stopped. She did not drink her milk, but she also did not get her Papa Juice. I guess we can call that a victory and one more point for Mom. We have to take these wins, no matter how small, and hope that we're one step closer to this little toddler's understanding that throwing a fit doesn't' get her too far.

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