Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Breakfast with Elmo!

Tuesday morning at 9 AM (yes, after getting home after 2 last night), we're off to have breakfast with Elmo! Kerri & Ashley, and Emily, Julia & Lillian joined us there. You can't tell too much by the picture, but Melly loved seeing Elmo. I think she wasn't sure about sitting on his lap, but the rest of the time it was hard to keep her in her seat. She just wanted to follow him around. Ashley and Lillian also loved Elmo very much. Lillian grabbed hold of Elmo's hand, and poor Emily had a hard time getting her off! Julia was more reserved with him, and wasn't upset, but wanted Elmo to keep his distance. She was much more content eating her breakfast on Kerri's lap (isn't it great that all of us Mom's are interchangeable now! All of our kids feel that comfortable with all of us). We all ventured to the farm afterwards, and walked around looking at the animals, including a baby calf that was only 1 day old! What a treat!

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