Saturday, July 5, 2008


We went to fireworks last week, to see how Melly would do. We got all packed up, drove to the parking lot, walked the 1/2 mile to where we were sitting, unfolded chairs, put out the blanket, got out the Papa Juice's (what Melly calls Capri Suns), and waited to see our daughters delight at seeing fireworks for the first time this year. Well, we didn't expect the reaction we got. She was running around all excited, as Rob & I explained what was going to happen. The whole, "some will be loud, but they can't hurt you" and the "you'll see how pretty they are, and they're fun!" She was all set for them. The first test "boom" exploded in the air, she climbed up on Rob's lap in fetal position and started chanting, "I go home! I go home! I go home! I go home!" It broke our hearts! Then the real fireworks started, and we really thought that once she saw the colors she would relax some. Nope! She kept chanting for the first 5 minutes. We debated whether we should pack it up and go home, if we should push her a little and try to get her to like them (she wasn't' crying, so she wasn't petrified, she just was a bit scared). Then a miracle. A perfect green circle firework opened up in the sky. Melly then said, "Ooh! Green circles!" Hurray! she got the fun part! After that she really got into them, saying all the colors she saw, and how they were "tricking" her by changing colors. The whole walk home all she kept talking about was the "boom-booms".
We went to fireworks Thursday after the carnival with the Colombo's, and again on Friday, and she joked with us about the "I go home" part by sitting on our laps saying it with a big smile. So now our little adventurer that loves carnival rides, but hates her feet exposed, now can add fireworks to the good side of the list.

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