Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Say goodbye to the 'Carvinal'

Well, our local carnival has gone after being here for a month. So sad to see it go, but we had one last hurrah with the Colombo's. Melly's partner in crime Ashley joined us for one last go on the fireworks night before the 4th of July. This was Ashley's first time seeing fireworks, and staying up WAY past her bedtime. As usual, she was a trooper and was a gem. Kerri, on the other hand made one little girl cry purely by accident. (Sorry Kerri, I told you I would put it in eventually!) We were putting the girls on the car ride, and one little girl in the back of the line really wanted the pink car. She raced as fast as she could to get it, but Kerri beat her to it with Ashley, and Melly was right behind her. That poor girl (who was about 7, and clearly should not have been crying over a pink car), cried the ENTIRE time on the ride. Kerri made amends after I told her about her evil ways and talked with the little girls Mom, who had no problems what so ever with her kid having the fine purple car instead. Bye bye carnival! We'll see you next year!

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