Friday, September 5, 2008

Stand Up 2 Cancer

For those of you that read this blog to enjoy the small anecdotes of my life, this may be a little different, but important. This is a serious blog entry. Today all of the major networks aired Stand Up To Cancer, in hopes that all of the cancer awareness and treatment organizations that are out there, could come together, work together, and find a cure faster. I don't talk about it much, for many reasons that my sister lent an ear to hear this morning, but I am a cancer survivor. Geez, just typing that and my palms started to sweat. I struggle each day with what some people brush aside because I was very lucky and very early with a diagnosis, but it is a big part of my every day life.

Over 4 years ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the ripe old age of 29. I had just moved and found a new Dr that actually took the time to give me a full physical exam (God bless you Dr. Julia!). She found a tumor the size of a pea in my thyroid. So the steps began, and a few months later I got that dreaded phone call from my Thyroid Dr. saying that it was important for me to come in that day. Trust me, when a Dr. says that, it's never a good thing. I had my full thyroid removed along with 2 tumors and a bunch of lymph nodes. I went through radiation treatment, then isolation because I was radioactive (those of you from the 80's are totally singing that song in the robot voice, "I'm radioactive... I'm radioactive").

The end result was good. I have been cancer free for almost 5 years. But, if there is good that can come out of a bad situation, this is it. First, go and get a physical. Then tell everyone you know to get a physical. I am living proof that it can save your life. There is no other reason I would have needed a physical that year. I was young, in good health and felt fine. I could have easily not seen a Dr. for anything more than a cold for years to come. Then what would have happened? Would it have spread? Would I be here, have Melody, enjoy feeling the cool breeze come in the window to remind me that Fall is soon to be here? Who knows. Second, do what you can to help out a cause that needs you. There is so much to be done in so many ways. Give money if you can. Give time if you can. Give experience, knowledge, whatever you find that can help. It is just so important because I have learned that cancer can happen to anyone.

If you don't know where to go, here's a start:

This is why I have an excellent scarf collection!

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