Thursday, September 18, 2008

The cat...

Feeling Fall in the air today, I decide it's time to indulge my passion for purses and bring out a brand new purse from my storage bin. I realize that these wonderful bags are meant to be stored in their protective cotton bags lined up on shelves, but space is limited and this is the only way I can store them. Did I say that it's my passion? Could that possibly be the reason that I have so many (after weeding out all of the "unnecessary" ones over the summer) that my storage bin doesn't close anymore? Regardless, the lid does not snap shut, and it lives in the bottom of my closet (next to my 5 million totes of shoes).
So I get out this wonderful new Fall purse, and the protective bag is shredded. I mean complete Freddie Kruger style. I take a closer look, and I notice dozens of little puncture holes all over my new purse! I look over on the bed, and there all curled up and sleeping is my new nemesis... the cat! I wag the shredded bag over her head yelling at her, shake my finger at her, telling her how naughty she is. Of course she looks at me like I've gone insane, and I believe I may have for that brief moment.
There behind me, as usual, is my little shadow Melody. Lately, yelling at the cat is one of her favorite things to do, and since I don't usually yell at the cat, I can only assume she's figured out the ranking order of the family and has taken pleasure out of the fact that she's higher up than Slim Kitty. Melly runs out of the room. For a moment I feel really bad that I have (yet again) lost my cool a bit in front of the one person that looks to me for all guidance. Then, Melody runs back into the room with the squirt bottle we use to keep Slim from sneaking out of the front door, and she is ready for a battle. She runs up to the cat, squirts her right on the nose, the cat flies out of the room, with Melly chasing her telling her she was a "naughty kitty".
So now, my cool is back, as I am now laughing hysterically at my squirt bottle wielding daughter as she comes back with the proudest of looks on her face telling me, "Mommy, I squirted Slim for you!"

1 comment:

Danielle said...

My real comment is that your daughter is a freakin riot and that I am glad she squirted the kitty for you :-)

The secondary comment is that you have been tagged :-)