Monday, September 8, 2008

No, get out!

Today we had group at my house, and Melody, being the way that she is, cried a few times because everyone was playing with her toys. Well, really because in her mind they were playing with them the wrong way. She's very particular about playing. The part that I really felt bad about, is when the girls were in her room playing, she kept screaming at Rylan, "No! Get out!". Which of course mad poor Rylan cry. I kept trying to get Melody to apologize and remind her that Rylan is her friend, etc. etc. etc. I really did feel bad! She didn't yell at him any other time, only when he went in her room.
Rob came home from work, and asked how group went. So I tell him all of the stories, then that one comes up and Rob starts smiling and says (in his very serious "Daddy voice") "Good job Melody! No boys in your room!"

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