Monday, September 15, 2008

Creative Day #1

Saturday I was feeling both creative and ambitious. Lately, those two things rarely happen on the same day. I brought out the paints, glitter, glue and pasta for a fun evening while Daddy was out. Man did we have fun! My little toddler has shown me that not only is she creative, but she's starting to express it. Her art is taking a turn from just being colors, to her having something in her head and trying to get it on paper. Pretty cool to watch, I must say.
Here is my little Picasso painting it up. Yes, in my house we paint topless. (if you're under 4)
Still not too happy with getting hands dirty
This is the coolest painting she's ever done. She picked out her color (blue only), then specifically started making these stripes. So I asked Melly, "What are you painting?" She says, "I'm painting a zebra Mommy"
Then this one, a little harder to see, but she told me what she was doing while she was doing it. The figure on the right is a parrot. Not just a bird, but a parrot. Beak and all. Then on the left, Melody said they were penguins. I can't see that one, but that's what she said. Then, on the bottom she made eggs for the penguins (and gave some to the parrot). On the top she made them clouds. What a trip!

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