Friday, September 5, 2008

I left my pants in Lake George

One of the nights we were wandering around the town Melody decided to get full of energy even though it was well after bedtime. The little skinny minny was running around in circles (as she often does) and she ran right out of her pants! Yup, they dropped down to her ankles as she stood there frozen looking at Rob for help. Apparently there were a few onlookers that were pointing and laughing at this 2 year old showing off her diaper. Clearly I did not see them doing that because I would have stopped them from mocking my little girl. Only I am allowed to do that!
Back at the car, we changed her diaper and decided to pull the loose pants off so she could ride back to the campsite without them falling off again. Once we got to the trailer, Papa asked her if she left her pants in Lake George. Of course she said she did with a smile, and that then became her running joke for the weekend. Even if you ask her today where her pants are she'll tell you there in Lake George!

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