Wednesday, August 6, 2008


No seriously. I have to make my first ever public apology for mis-information on this blog. I posted the other day that Rob's cousins wedding was a first for Melly. Clearly it was not. My all knowing bestest bud Megg sent me an email today that simply said, ummmm... did you forget about your sisters wedding that Melly went to? And it stopped me in my tracks.
So, first and foremost, Carol, I am truly sorry for blanking out like that! There are a few possibilities on how and why this could have happened. On the top of the list, and probably the most likely reason, is that I'm just a knucklehead with a Swiss cheese Mommy brain and I can't remember a thing. It could also be that you have come so far and done so much over the past couple of years, that I can't believe how quickly it all happened. But, Melly was at your wedding, it was a beautiful event, and we all had fun (in spite of my broken toe).

1 comment:

Supersonic Mama said...

I totally noticed that because I remember the cute pictures! i'm just more polite than Megg! hawhaw, like hell i am