Thursday, August 28, 2008

Where did all the stop signs go?

We have 6 intersections through my development between the main road and my house. Earlier in the summer, I noticed that the stop sign connecting my block to the neighboring block was gone. This was odd, because it was my side that had to stop and let the shwankier block go, so I can't believe for a minute that the fancy pants people liked it any. But all summer long that's how it's been. Each time I drove through that intersection, I still stopped (avoided a few run ins with the expensive cars) and thought it was bizarre that technically, neither direction had to stop or even yield. That's when I started looking around at the other intersections and noticed that all but one of them did not have a stop sign either. Those intersections were T's, so that's really silly. It would seem, that in my neighborhood, it is complete anarchy and any which way can go, or not go, at any time.
It's funny that I decided to write this today, because we just got a nice new shiny stop sign put up between me and the fancy pants' neighborhood. It would have been nice to post this first and think that I had something to do with it.

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