Thursday, August 28, 2008

The best fair ever!

Last week we went to the Dutchess County Fair, which in my opinion, is the best one! They have a really good mix of animals, exhibits, rides, and most importantly... food! Kerri & Ashley were able to join us which worked out really well since the two girls are carnival junkies. Megg came up too and we were able to meet up with Mema & Papa, and Carol and her gang. What better way to spend the day than with family at a carnival? OK, eating all of the food. I truly mean all of it! We lived up to our reputation and ate our way from one end to the other. Where else but a county fair can you eat in one day a corn dog, caramel apple, pulled pork sandwich, ice cream, fried dough and zeppolis? Oh, and that was just me! (I know you're cringing at the very thought of those foods Rob, but trust me... they were yummy!)

There were many rides to go on, but my favorite was the last one the girls went on. It looked like a little kid scrambler, and when we walked by it the first time around it was spinning very slowly. When we put the girls on, Kerri was very gracious to go on the ride with them and good thing! This thing was fast! The girls loved it to bits, and Kerri's look of panic as she has her arms clinging on to each of the kids as if they were going to go flying off the ride at any moment was priceless! Really they wouldn't have, and it was clearly a kiddie ride, but it was funny all the same. Kerri told me later as they were leaving Ashley pleaded with her and said, "I NEED one more ride!"

Melly & Ashley really loved the sheep

The girls enjoyed strolling through the livestock exhibits holding hands

Megg (aka Emmie), Melly, Ashley & Claire

Baby Emilie enjoying the day

Check out these biker babes!

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