Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My first wedding

Melody went to her first wedding! Chrissy & Kyle got hitched this weekend, and Melly did us proud. She danced like I've never seen her dance, she ate more than I've ever seen, and she slept like a champ. That's my girl all right... everything is done as much as it can be done!
The day was beautiful (only a little rain during the ceremony, but we were inside so it was OK). Chrissy looked amazing, and the newlyweds had fun, which is the most important part. Everyone was dressed up nice, but once again Rob & I have somehow missed a photo opportunity to get the both of us while we look nice. Please, the next time anyone sees us out, please take a picture of us! I think the only pictures we have of us together are from our wedding. And that's for the past 14 years since we've been together! It was great to see Rob's family, and to watch as all the kids get older, and more of them. Melody had plenty of cousins to play with, but she much preferred to dance.
Melody likes her dress as much as the tag from her guys
Look at the Dancin' Queen!

I even got in a dance with her
Dancing makes her tired...

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