Monday, August 18, 2008

Potty training started!

I'm not generally a blogger about bathroom activities, but this one is a big one. Last week, Melody told Rob and I several times that "poopies are coming", and she was right. Unfortunately we were not completely prepared with the whole potty training thing and we caught it too late. But, it made us turn over a new leaf of it's time to start this whole potty thing. In the past, we would put her on the potty just to see what would happen, and she would play on there, sometimes go, sometimes not, but she never minded it. That was the reason that I got her the potty when she was so young, so that she would be used to it and it wouldn't shock her. Well, can you believe that as soon as I decided to "officially start" using the potty with her, she decided that she was "officially" refusing to use it, and wouldn't even go into the bathroom! What a little stinker! So, we had to start the sticker chart. She gets a sticker for every time she sits on the potty. Now, she actually will go in there.

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