Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hershey Park! (finally!)

OK, so this is really bad. We went to Hershey Park 2 weeks ago, and I'm just now posting this. Rob had a show in PA, so we decided to get the whole family together and do Hershey! Everyone camped, and Rob, Melly & I jumped into Mom & Dad's trailer. We got to PA late Friday night, and braved the park early on Saturday. Melody was in great form and we all had a fabulous time. This is one of the greatest amusement parks there is!
Me & Melly in the park
"I'm an expert on these kiddie rides. Bring on the roller coasters!"
Cousin Claire is always up for joining Melody on a ride!
Look close... this is how Melly feels about waiting on a line for a ride.
Mommy bought a funny hat!!

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