Friday, April 3, 2009

The story of Pam & Rob

OK, so Rob is going to hate that I'm doing this, but sometimes I just get all sentimental. I was going through pictures on the computer today, and found this one. So of course my mind raced back 15 years ago (yes, that long) to when I first met Rob and decided to share the story of us.

I was working for a radio station doing a promotion, and Rob was singing with Jam Syndicate (still my favorite local band). He was up on stage, I walked into the club, and my whole world stopped. I saw nothing but him, and he took my breath away. It was a few months later after the guy I was dating called it quits when I was talking to friends about this guy that I was completely infatuated with, yet knew nothing about. As it turned out, Rob was in my circle of friends, but we hadn't yet met. I told my boss at the radio station that I wanted to work every show we had that Rob's band was playing. So, to put it bluntly, I harmlessly stalked him. Still too afraid to talk to him, I just "happened" to be wherever he was. Finally, some friends introduced us, hoping that would start things rolling. So one evening, we were all hanging out at the Rock Alley house (I miss that house!), when I got the courage to talk to Rob and ask him out. I planned to wait for him to leave, I would leave too, and be able to talk to him alone. Perfect, right? Well, as the hours ticked away, it was after 3:00 when I just couldn't stay any longer without falling asleep in my chair. I had to leave. I said my goodbyes, and I hear Rob also say that he was going to go. So I get a smile on my face, and I go outside and wait by my car for him to come out. At least 20 minutes go by and he still hasn't come out yet. Now I'm slightly panicking, trying to find some reason why I'm still standing outside and not on my way home. I come up with the brilliant plan to throw my keys into the bushes, go running inside to ask for help to find my keys, and have Rob be the hero that found them. (well... it made a lot more sense and seemed more plausible when I was 19 years old at 3:00 in the morning) I go inside to ask for a flashlight to find my keys and out comes Rob to "save the day". We get to my car, and the genius that I was only threw the keys about a foot away from my car door.
Needless to say, Rob didn't comment on any of that, I asked him out, and the rest is somewhat history! The real funny part was that I now had to bring the flashlight back into the house with all of my friends laughing at me for the worlds lamest attempt at trying to get someone alone to talk to them.


Laurynn said...

Heehee. I "accidentally dropped my keys and they FLEW into the bush" is what I remember :)

Supersonic Mama said...

A situation where you being such a little schemer totally paid off

Anonymous said...

You forgot to say that you came home and told me you just saw "the third sexiest man alive" (after John Bon Jovi and Steven Tyler) MOM