Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nightmare at the movies

So we went to a local town hall last night where they show movies for a couple of bucks. The Tale of Despereaux was playing, and Melody was really excited to go. It was a 7:00 movie, so a little late for a restless toddler, but it's a really relaxed atmosphere, so off we go. We get there, buy our popcorn and soda, find a seat in the back, and Melly's really excited. She's calling, "Despereaux... where are you?" She was obsessed with kicking the seat in front of her (it was empty, but still not appropriate), and she was getting awfully angry and irritable when we were trying to teach her proper movie etiquette. So finally, after what seemed like hours, the movie starts, and she becomes motionless in the seat. Phew! She's really into the movie, loving it.... for about 20 minutes. Then she remembered the seat that looked like it needed kicking. The soda that she kept trying to steal sips from. Her shoes needing to come off. Throwing her stuffed dinosaur. Singing very loudly. Trying to touch the people in front of us. We were exhausted! We had to pull the ultimate threat... "Either you sit and watch the movie, or we have to leave." That straightened her out for about another 5 minutes, then right back to being "that" kid in the theatre. So, we tell her we have to go. That's when the siren went off. For those that have heard Melody scream, you know how deafening it can be. For those that haven't heard her... picture a horror movie scream, at full volume, at an excruciatingly high note, for an unheard of amount of time. This kid definitely has her Daddy's singing voice, and she can do a scream like I've never heard. Well, now the entire movie theatre has heard. So we take her out in the lobby, and she's just freaking out. We give her the option to try and go back in, but she starts screaming again. We say that we have to go home, and she starts screaming about that. I feel bad, because I'm trying to work with the kid, and she's being so very 2. So after only a few moments of this indecision, Mommy's the bad guy, and I make an executive decision, and say, "WE'RE LEAVING". Well, we drag her out into the parking lot, kicking and screaming. We have to wrestle her into the car and into her seat. And she screamed, and screamed, and then screamed some more the entire 4.5 miles home. Man was that a long drive!
We get home, and I have to fireman carry her into the house while she's screaming. Then she starts freaking out in the house, throwing stuff, etc. I put her in her room and let her cool off in there. It actually took a long time for her to calm down. Talk about one stubborn and determined kid!
Finally my sweet little girl returned, and apologized for what she did. She was able to talk to us about why she got so mad, and we told her ways she could have done things different. I'm sure it went in one ear and out the other, but hopefully at least a little bit will stick in that brain of hers for the next time!

1 comment:

Loni said...

lol...oh my god, that sounds just like Noah. I am so glad I am not the only who's kid does that. Because even though you hear stories abou it, its always nice to know somteone you knw can relate. Poor Melly and Mommy. I bet she slept real good afetr that!