Friday, October 30, 2009

The french fry

We went out to dinner for our Anniversary to Applebees since we had Melly with us. A nice kid friendly place, and as long as I didn't have to cook, I'm happy! We order some burgers, and Melly wants chicken and fries.
Our meal comes, and on the first bite of french fry, Melody takes a bite, and accidentally drops the rest of the fry on the ground. Sometimes at home, I may have the "5 second rule", but in a restaurant, if something even hits the table, it's a 'no go' for eating. So this french fry is on the floor, and Melody starts crying. Not really sure why, so we start asking some questions. Come to find out, she's crying because she wants to eat the french fry. We explain to her that it has germs on it from being on the floor. She cries some more and protests:
"But Mommy, remember I washed my hands and got the germs off"
I then explain that the germs are on the french fry, not her hands.
"But Mommy, the french fry already has my bite mark in it, I need to finish it"
I remind her that she has an entire plate full of french fries that still need her bite mark in them.
While all of these excuses are going on, she's wailing quietly on her chair, really upset about this french fry. Rob & I try everything to get her to stop crying and maybe eat something. The tears are popping out of her head, her nose is running, and she's just not into eating. We even try taking bites out of our own french fries and putting them with her dropped one so that it would have friends. Still no good. The wailing continues while Rob & I eat our entire meal.
I then tell her a story about how all the food that's left on the plate gets taken away to a special place in the back kitchen where they get to have a party together. That seemed to do it enough for her to eat some of her food. She was still upset, not in a great mood, and fell asleep in the car on the way home!

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