Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another trip to VA

We went to VA again! I got a phone call from Rob last Thursday while I was on my way to meet a friend for breakfast, and he said we're leaving this afternoon for VA. So I finished breakfast, went home, and had us all packed up and ready to go by 3:00.
It was the usual fantastic time. We went to Busch Gardens every day for Howl-O-Scream, and Melly enjoyed it. She loves all the monsters and the shows, and of course the rides! Her favorite is Jack (I'll post some video later on), and she liked Monster Stomp and Frankenrock too. At one point she fell asleep in Monster Stomp because she was so exhausted, and when she woke up later she said, "I fell asleep in Monster Stomp. How did my body possibly do that?" Good question Mel!
We picked pumpkins, walked around Williamsburg, went to Busch, and ate a lot of food. Sadly, still no Sals, and they haven't even started rebuilding it yet. Anyone know of where I can get 4 cheese tortellini in incredible Alfredo sauce let me know!

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