Friday, May 29, 2009

The forgotten puppets

I've mentioned a few times how Melody is OCD. I usually preface that with "a little", but she tends to be more like "a lot". When she just turned 2, she became completely obsessed with puppets. It was very cute to watch as she would put them on her hands, have them talk to each other, make some out of socks, and I even found her with magic marker caps on her fingers using them as puppets. The problems started with it being summer, and 3 hours of keeping a puppet on your hand got kind of gross. I had to vacuum with puppets on my hands. I had to get her lunch ready with puppets on my hands. There was even a bath puppet that had to be worn for bath time (although it did not keep her from crying and screaming in the tub, it just made more tolerable screams). If you were to ever take the puppets off your hands, even if you thought she wasn't watching, you would immediately hear, "Mommy! Puppets... hands!!"
So I did what every modern Mom would do. I waited until nap time and hid them. It was mostly out of sight, out of mind. She still used the magic marker caps, and socks on occasion, but the obsession seemed to die down. Today I was doing a complete overhaul of my closet in the spare room, getting the room ready to become Melody's new room, when I found the box of puppets. I couldn't help but giggle, then remember how annoyed I was wearing the puppets, then get sad to realize that is such a strong memory, yet it was a whole year ago. Now I'm trying to remember if there's anything else that I've hidden from her that I'm going to find someday!

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