Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dear General Mills

I would first like to thank you for your years of tasty products. I would however, like to point out a problem with one of your cereals that has slipped past your quality control team. My daughter has pointed out, with screams of disgust and flinging bits of cereal around the kitchen, that your cheerios do not sink. For some this may not be a problem but in our household this equals an entire day of bad attitude. It would seem that they cannot be properly eaten unless they are buried under milk. My daughter has tried, with no avail, to sink them. She has smacked them with her spoon, demanded more milk, added additional cereal on top, resorted to crushing them beneath her own had, and they still float. She has pleaded with me to help her sink them. She has bargained with the laws of physics to get them to go under. Yet, they do not sink.
This must be a product flaw, because the passion she shows for trying to make them sink would make me believe that she has seen them sink previously. She acts as though it is her own personal box of cheerios that mocks her with their buoyancy. Please review your quality control team's records to make sure they are not allowing these flawed floating cereals to get onto the open market. Please spare another family of going through the disappointment that we have had to endure here.
Your loyal customer,

1 comment:

Laurynn said...