Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nana & Grampa

Time for a visit from Nana & Grampa! Rob tells Melody a few days before they're due to arrive that they're coming. Melly keeps looking at Rob, and telling him "Nooooooo, they're not coming here". For some reason she didn't believe him. The night before we tell her again, and she still does not believe us.
So now it's the morning that they're coming. She wakes up and magically believes Nana & Grampa are coming to visit, but doesn't understand why they're not here waiting for her to wake up. So we explain that they're coming later in the day and we go about our morning.
I do some last minute straightening up, knowing that we should expect my in laws around 3:00. At 11:30, I jump in the shower. No sooner do I get my hair full of shampoo, when Melody runs into the bathroom yelling, "They're here! They're here! I see Nana & Grampa!" My heart skips a beat, I mutter a few words under my breath to the tune of why didn't I shower first this morning and then straighten up. I tell Melly to yell at them through the window on the door that I'll be out in a minute. She runs off yelling to Nana & Grampa. I very hastily finish my shower and run out of the bathroom in my bathrobe to offer full apologies for making them wait outside for the 3 minutes it took me to finish a shower that was meant to be a full 10. I find.... no one. I ask Melly where they were, and she said, ever so sweetly, "Oh, I was just pretending".

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