Friday, October 10, 2008

Vacation Recap (FINALLY!!)

Day 7:
It rained almost the whole day. We needed the down time anyway, so we headed off to the library. We spent a few hours there, and got some different books to read to Melody. Nana has one book about being afraid of a monster, and how you tell it to go away. Melody loved it, and had Nana read it, without exaggeration, 60 times. Maybe even more. It was a sweet book, but I could probably recite the entire thing from memory. Later on, we had some arts and crafts of making the monster in the book, and making some pumpkins with construction paper. Melody has a flair for the crafts, so it's always nice when you can actually take the time to do it.
Another funny thing involves one of the gourds from the pumpkin patch. She was playing with one, and I guess she decided it looked like a bird with it's stem, because she named him Pecker. I'm hoping it was short for Woodpecker, but she never called it that. So, we're trying to keep our composure as Melly is walking around with this funny looking gourd, asking everyone to play with her Pecker.
She was in a reading mood, because she grabbed my book that was on the table, and page by page, told a big involved story of what was on the cover. She must have "read" this book for about 10 minutes and had an entire story about what she felt the book was about. Pretty imaginative!

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