Friday, October 10, 2008

Vacation Recap (FINALLY!!)

Day 5:
We went to the zoo for most of the day. Everybody loves going, but we picked a perfect day. It was a little bit cooler out, so all of the animals were right where we could see them. Melody particularly liked the giraffes. She first giggled at their long black tongues. She made up a song about it and was dancing around singing, "You have a black tongue, I have a pink tongue!"
Then we saw one of the giraffes bend down to get some grass, and she started laughing. She spent a few minutes after that trying to spread her feet and put her nose on the ground just like they do.

She wanted to be a part of the zoo too!

Who doesn't love a giant turtle (tortoise?)

Look at me! I'm a prairie dog too!

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