Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our trip to VA

We were able to spend about 10 days in VA this trip. Rob's band had several shows in the DC area, so we combined his shows with our vacation. We started off by going to an Oriole game on the way down, so we didn't get to VA until pretty late. The next few days we spent going to Water Country and Busch Gardens while Rob had to travel to go to his shows in the evening. We really spent most of our time visiting with Nana and Grampa, and going to the parks.
One of the things that I insist on doing while in Williamsburg is going to Sal's for the best 4 Cheese Tortelloni in Alfredo Sauce in the entire world. Sadly, Sal's burned down and we couldn't go. I'm really hoping the rebuild quickly, because I get hungry just thinking about that place! I will never ask the nutritional value of this meal, nor figure out how many grams of fat are in it. I just enjoy the entire plate, including several pieces of bread to mop up every last bit of sauce that is left. Mmmmm... Sal's.
It was, as usual a fantastic trip, and I love spending the time with my in-laws. Melody wanted to spend most of the time in Nana's playroom filled with toys, but mean Mommy had to drag her away to go to the amusement parks. The lousy life this kid thinks she has! LOL!
Here are a few Melly highlights from the trip:

Nana: "That one right there is Jupiter. That's an easy one because it has rings."

Grampa had on a fluorescent yellow shirt and a fluorescent orange hat.
Melly: "Grampa! You can't wear that!!!"
Melly: "It doesn't match."

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