Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dutchess County Fair

I love county fairs. The Dutchess County one happens to be my favorite of them all. However... this year it was a complete disaster! Mike, Lisa, Danny & Jason went with us. It took over 3 hours to get there due to traffic (regular fair traffic) and an idiot truck driver that decided to get on the Taconic Parkway and get stuck (trucks are not allowed because it's a small parkway), and they had to close down the road for a while.
Once we got there, it took Rob about 45 minutes to park the car because there weren't any spots left, then it took us over 1/2 an hour to get food since we were all starving by that point! There were record breaking number of visitors in attendance, and it was kind of a hot day. Overall, it did not make for very happy campers. Sadly it was Mike & Lisa's first time going, so I encouraged them to give it another chance, since I go every year and this one was by far the worst.
The kids did still find time to have fun, so that's the positive turn on it!

Melly loves the sheep!

Jason is still too scared to go on rides, but Danny wanted to ride the cars with Melody.

This is the best face ever! Finishing up her ice cream cone.... asking for more! How can anyone resist that face?

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