Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Deer: Nature 1, Pam 1

Melody was taking a summer camp program at her Elementary School.  I parked the car between two other cars in the parking lot and got the kids out.  Tori was an infant and being carried, and Melody was holding my hand.  We stopped between the parked cars while I looked for driving cars.  There were none, so I started us walking into the parking lot when a deer ran one foot in front of us at full speed.  Melody screamed and jumped back, I contorted my body to shield Tori, and all of our hearts were pounding.  Yes indeed, we almost got run over by a deer.  As our fright settled down, I had a few bars of "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" running through my head.  I tried to imagine how I would try to explain that to the paramedics had I been about one second faster and we were nailed by nature.  "No sir, the deer hit us.  No, there was no car, we were walking.  I don't know why the deer was hauling ass through a parking lot!"   At least I won this round since we did not get hit!

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