Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh Melly

When we asked Melody if she thought I was having a boy or a girl, this is how our conversation went:
Me: "Melly, do you think Mommy is having a baby boy or a baby girl?"
Melly: "Girl"
Me: "What if it's a boy?"
Melly: "Then it's not ours."

So I probed a little farther a few days later. I asked her why she thought that. Here's how that conversation went:
Me: "Melody, why do you think the baby won't be ours if it's a boy?"
Melly: "If it's a girl it can stay home with us. If it's a boy it has to go to work with Daddy, so we can match."

Apparently she's most concerned with the girls staying with the girls and the boys staying with the boys. I tried to ask her about her friends in our group that are boys that stay with their Mommy's, but she couldn't figure that one out and decided to drop the subject!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

When my daughter found out we were having a boy, she burst out crying and screaming in the ultrasound office. Luckily a happy meal consoled her. Now she says she is really glad she has a brother so she can be the only princess in the house! Congrats on the baby!

- Cindy