Saturday, December 13, 2008

We caught a tree

We went to get our tree today. Nothing big, no grand plan, just go to the section marked $19.99 and pick the one that seems to be the most straight. The tree we happened to pick was already wrapped up in the netting to take home. We ask Melody if this tree was good to take home and she says, "Yes. It's caught in a net".

We have in the past gone to hunt down and cut our tree, or to find the "really nice = expensive" tree, and have never found any one to be much better. So, we put up the cheap tree, decorate it with all of our family ornaments, and 'ooh and ahhh' about it with the lights off. Melody looked at it and just plainly says, "Mommy, it's so pretty".

Christmas is in the air at the Jackson house! Although, with the stove on, the house was 78 degrees, so it really didn't feel too much like it!

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