Thursday, August 14, 2008

Don't yell at the red light!

I was driving home from story time yesterday, and I stopped at the red light at the parking lot exit. I inch forward to see if I can turn right on red, but there were a few cars coming. The car behind me starts leaning on his horn and inching up right on my bumper. I roll my eyes, shake my head some, think to myself how much of a jerk this guy is, and then wait for the traffic to be clear. I go down the road, through another light, and get stopped at the next light which is red. This particular light turns red so that the other direction left turn only people can go, so you really can't go right on red at this point. Well, Mr. Annoying behind me pulls up again, and starts leaning on his horn again. So he's behind me, honking, his window is now rolled down and he's yelling at me to turn. The last time I checked, right turn on red is optional, not mandatory, and especially not a good idea when there are cars driving. Now, I remember that I have a toddler in the car that is often times mistaken for a parrot, so I don't want to curse the guy out, which would have been the best way to make me feel better. But, this guy is really wearing on my nerves, so I stick my arm out of the window, point at the traffic light and yell "the light is red!!!"
So, did this stop Mr. Annoying from honking.... no. Did it make me feel like I at least did something.... sort of.
So, the cars stop coming, the light turns green, we're on our way, and Mr. Annoying turns off somewhere. I drive a little further and get to the next red light. I hear this sweet voice behind me say, "Mommy, please don't yell at the light". I explain to her that the car behind us was yelling at us to go, but you can't drive while the light is red. The next light we get to is red, but I am able to turn right at it, and Melly starts yelling, "Red light! Red light! Mommy don't go!" Is it too early to have a back seat driver?

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